From the comment piece by a Jeswan Kaur, Taking the Rakyat for Granted (Nov 22, Free Malaysia Today):
"Whilst Mahathir continues to choke the rakyat with his schisms, the scenario involving the wife of prime minister Najib has reached alarming levels.
Rosmah Mansor has no qualm whatsoever how shesquanders away the nation’s wealth. From her obsession with ‘all things luxurious’ to milking the most the opportunity of being the prime minister’s wife, Rosmah is guilty on all counts of robbing the nation and its people.
Rosmah’s intoxication with wealth and power has created an abhorrence in the hearts of the rakyat."
Ms Kaur and her editors at FMT clearly do not love Rosmah Mansor, the wife of PM Najib Razak. Well, that's their business. Maybe Ms Kaur doesn't like the First Lady's hair or she's been fed stories from people who have had a falling-out with Rosmah. But nowhere in the world does a journalist (like Ms Kaur, if she's still one) or a news portal (like FMT) get away with accusing anyone - let alone the Prime Minister's wife - of squandering away the country's wealth or robbing the nation and its people. The two paragraphs above are so laced with hatred and based on unsubstantiated allegations that you'd cringe ...
Mr Kaur and her editors at FMT are taking Malaysians for granted. Do they think they exist in a vacuum where they can hide behind journalism and freedom of speech to spew venom and unsubstantiated accusations without having to bear the consequences?
Well, maybe they do.