... So it's DAP that will lose out as a result of its outburst against hudud, not PAS. Or so says the PAS ulama chief Harun Taib (pic) in response to estranged Johor DAP deputy chairman. Kluang-born Norman Fernandez. DAP has been trying hard to downplay the issue but if PAS pushes it with polling day just around the corner, the Chinese-based party might have to kow-tow to the ulamas or take action against Fernandez.
"Pas has the biggest number of support and it is increasing by days. I fear that the DAP will suffer from the effect of his (Fernandez) statement and not us. DAP may lose out on Pas' votes for such remarks.” - Harun Taib
Read the Mole's scoop Ulama chief says PAS is the biggest in Pakatan ...
For context, read Syed Akbar Ali's Johor cannot gamble and risk its future with PAS